With all the functions Apple has stuffed into iTunes for macOS, it is a Swiss Army knife of an app (or maybe more like 20 pounds of potatoes in a 5-pound bag). But despite its non-audio components, iTunes allows you to use music files. Notably, you could accurately or alter metadata—records about the documents—in bulk.
But pay attention! These adjustments are made to the documents, now not just inside iTunes, and there’s no caution or undo.
Here are my strong hints before you make bulk metadata changes in iTunes:
If you have iCloud Music Library enabled (through iTunes Match or Apple Music), ensure all of the documents you want to regulate have been downloaded for your Mac and aren’t saved in the cloud. (See this September 2018 column on how to ensure your song is regionally downloaded.)
Make a complete backup of your iTunes Media folder. You can ensure you’re backing up the proper folder by searching in iTunes > Preferences > Advanced, in which the iTunes Media Folder Location is listed.
Now, you may continue with an option to revert in a pinch.
Select multiple gadgets on iTunes.
Choose Edit > Get Info.
For any area in Details wherein there are multiple entries, you’ll see either the word “Mixed” (for text) or a dash (“-“) for a variety of. You can modify any of these entries, which may be implemented in every track you choosee.
Click OK. There’s no going back: iTunes immediately updates the metadata within the chosen files.
This Mac 911 article is a reaction to a question submitted by Macworld reader Colin.
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